[DAY 10] The most powerful tool you have to influence your child's behavior.


You made it! How are you feeling?

Day 10 is a day of reflection (and celebration). Let's celebrate your wins!

You have done so much over the last 10 days to:

  • recognize your reactive behavior.
  • become aware of your needs.
  • communicate in ways that model respect and compassion.

I hope you see now that moving from chaos to cooperation is possible because your relationship is the most powerful tool you have to influence your child's behavior.

Be sure to acknowledge yourself with appreciation and validate the steps you have taken to become more conscious.

Before we close our retreat, we have one more exercise.

You probably realize by now that conscious parenting is not about perfection or making our kids behave in certain ways.

It's about using our power to lead with compassion instead of force and knowing that empathy does not invalidate our boundaries.

And it certainly doesn't mean we should be permissive. We are learning to stay present and give our children quality feedback about their behavior.

In this final exercise, think about the goals you have for your child.

What kind of person do you hope to raise?
What kind of impact do you want to have on your child's beliefs?

(music alert - turn down your volume if you need)

DAY 10: Complete the final exercise in our 10-day retreat. Don't skip this one!

Right-click to download and save the DAY 10 Worksheet to your computer.

I can't wait to hear how your family continues to grow.

Watching so many parents openly sharing their stories of empowerment to help others in the group warms my heart.

Our Facebook group will remain open and active so we can continue the conversations.

Have a beautiful day, and I hope to see you in the comments at our Closing Party (dance music alert - take caution when clicking)!

Talk soon,

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