What's My Parenting Style?

Please answer TRUE or FALSE for each question and keep track of your numbered answers on a separate piece of paper. If you are not sure of an answer, choose the answer that seems to match your feelings the closest.

My Parenting Style Quiz - Part 2

    28. Children really have very little to be angry about.

    29. When my child is sad, I try to help him explore what is making him sad.

    30. When my child is sad, I show my child that I understand.

    31. I want my child to experience sadness.

    32. The important thing is to find out why a child is feeling sad.

    33. Childhood is a happy-go-lucky time, not a time for feeling sad or angry.

    34. When my child is sad, we sit down and talk over the sadness.

    35. When my child is sad, I try to help her figure out why the feeling is there.

    36. When my child is angry it's an opportunity for getting close.

    37. When my child is angry, I take some time to try to experience this feeling with my child.

    38. I want my child to experience anger.

    39. I think it's good for kids to feel angry sometimes.

    40. The important thing is to find out why the child is feeling angry.

    41. When she get's sad, I warn her about not developing a bad character.

    42. When my child is sad, I'm worried he will develop a negative personality.

    43. I'm not really trying to teach my child anything in particular about sadness.

    44. If there's a lesson I have about sadness, it's that it's okay to express it.

    45. I'm not sure there's anything that can be done to change sadness.

    46. There's not much you can do for a sad child beyond offering her comfort.

    47. When my child is sad, I try to let him know that I love him no matter what.

    48. When my child is sad, I'm not quite sure what she wants me to do.

    49. I'm not really trying to teach my children anything about anger.

    50. If there's a lesson I have about anger, it's that it's okay to express it.

    51. When my child is angry, I try to be understanding of his mood.

    52. When my child is angry, I try to let her know that I love her no matter what.

    53. When my child is angry, I'm not quite sure what he wants me to do.

    54. My child has a bad temper and I worry about it.

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